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Natalia Bullon Auckland constelaciones familiares

Who I am?

Welcome, I’m Natalia. I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I was born in Peru and my ancestors are of Peruvian and Spanish descent. I was raised in Lima; the capital of Peru and I am the middle of three children of Noemi and Ricardo.

As everyone that comes to a healing journey, I experienced huge amounts of emotional suffering caused by my misinterpretations of events. My beginning was marked by blaming others and avoiding responsibility, demanding others to change instead of me doing those changes. Because of this suffering, I entered a journey to become a certified life coach. This training allowed me to get some resources to navigate through my suffering in a “easier way”.

Family constellations appeared on my journey when I wanted to understand why some relationships sucked. Since a very young age I found myself “struggling” specially in my emotions, and I wanted to understand if life was designed to be a constant fight. Family constellations allowed me to understand that it was my view that was biased. Events occur and life unfolds but we can choose how to relate to those experiences: with some sense of equanimity and less egotistic, or more self-absorbed and tyrannical.  This therapeutic technique led me on a journey of developing humility to what I have received from my family lineage, whatever it was. The more I recognised that the seed of life was the main gift I could have received from my parents, the more I found myself with great confidence and thrive.

The Buddhist path came into my life when I moved to New Zealand and everything falled apart. There was no sense of security at any dimension: psychological, emotional, and spiritual. The Buddhist path gave me the understanding of the human dilemma: we suffer at our own hands. If we want to be happy, we need to create our mental causes and conditions. I have been blessed to receive the Buddhist teachings and being under the umbrella of Ani JangChub Llhamo, my main tutor and resident nun at Nyima Tashi Buddhist Center. I am deeply appreciative of being able to receive the profundity of the buddhist teachings date back 2500 years ago. The buddhist mind training has awaken qualities that I thought were scarce: devotion, gratitude for a spiritual tradition and vigour for spiritual understanding.

It is my intention to support others to discover a different interpretation of misfortune, adversities, and pain. Having a different view, permeated by compassion and less self-absorption that is awakened by contemplative practice, and humility awakened by the work of family constellations, the person can gradually reduce its level of suffering by reducing its obsession with the self and broadening its own level of awareness.

My background is scientific. I’m a pharmacist and a marine ecosystem researcher at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). I run family constellation workshops since 2017 and I’ve been supporting individual and group sessions in family constellations in Spanish and English in Peru, Chile, and New Zealand. I received training on family constellations in Peru, Chile, New Zealand, and Australia. I have received training and formative workshops from a variety of teachers: Guni Baxa, Stephan Hausner, Mark Wolynn, Jan Jacob Stan, Bibi Schreuder, Dan Cohen, Alfredo Collovati, Leslie Nipps, Joan Garriga, Joan Corbalan, Ingala Robl, Sujey Aleman, Margaret Koenning, Brigitte Champetier de Ribbes.

Coaching session 1:1

An individual session 60 approximately. This can be done in person or by zoom and both modalities work perfectly with the same power. During this time we will evaluate the main difficulties (emotional, psychological and spiritual) and we will design a daily practical plan to train certain qualities/attitudes to change mental habits. A plan aimed at training the mind through daily contemplation, traditional and guided meditation from the vast Buddhist tradition and the practicality of ontological coaching.



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Peruvian Nuevo sol 

Only Peru



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sesion coaching

Family constellation 1:1

An individual session lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. This can be done in person or by zoom and both modalities work perfectly with the same power. This type of 1-on-1 work allows you to look at a specific personal issue or challenge. Write to me to book your time.



New Zealand


Peruvian Nuevo sol 

Only Peru



Rest of the world

Via paypal

Sesión individual constelaciones familiares

Family constellations - workshops or 1:1 sessions
(online or face-to-face)

The workshops are held twice a month in person (Auckland, NZ).

Once in Spanish and once in English. 

Personal sessions are on demand and can be once or on a sustained basis.

Go to the next activities page for more information or write me directly

Contact at +64 27 578 68 91

Taller Constelaciones familires (grupal)

Natalia Bullon Zegarra

Biochemist and Pharmacist, UNMSM, Peru.

PhD, AUT, Auckland, New Zealand.

Ontological Coach, Asersentido, Chile.

Training in Family Constellations, Círculo Constelaciones de Chile (2016) / Constellation Intensive Australia (2018)

I have received formative training with: Systemic Constellations (Guni Baxa, Mark Wolynn), Organizational Constellations (Jan Jacob Stan, Bibi Schreuder, Joan Corbalan), Family Constellations (Dan Cohen, Alfredo Collovati, Leslie Nipps, Joan Garriga, Ingala Robl, Margaret Koenning , Brigitte Champetier de Ribes), Trauma and somatic experience (Sujey Aleman, Stephan Hausner).

Tibetan Buddhist practitioner in the Kagyu tradition. My main tutor is Ani JangChub Llhamo, Director of the Nyima Tashi Buddhist Centre, Auckland, New Zealand. My spiritual teacher is Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche. I have provided Spanish translation of Buddhist teachings in New Zealand for the Latin community.

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