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Family constellations
Family constellations and meditation are a journey of recovery. One returns to the place where we (or our ancestors) were frozen by the magnitude of the pain but with emotional tools to cope in a more skilful way.
Meditation and contemplation
The postmodern era has brought us addictive tendencies that are reflected in our need to constantly be distracted (i.e. busyness) resulting in difficulty in navigating spaces of emotional and spiritual discomfort. In fact, we polarize ourselves between avoiding or excessively identifying ourselves with the conflict.
Free meditations
Instructions to start meditating (now only in Spanish)
Posture for meditation (7 cardinal points of the meditative posture)
Postura para la meditación (7 puntos cardinales de la postura meditativa)Natalia Bullon
00:00 / 09:39
Breath-based mindfulness
Mindfulness basado en la respiracionNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:33
Guided meditation for cultivation of equanimity
Meditacion para la ecuanimidadNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 18:28
Guided meditation for cultivation of loving-kindness
Meditacion para el amorNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:26
Podcast episodes (in Spanish)
Cafe con Dharma
Letting go: the invitation to live lighter
Dejar ir: la invitación para vivir más ligeroNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:24
Responsibly in our affections
Cuidar el vinculoNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 49:18
Going through the end of a relationship
Atravesar el dolor del término de una parejaNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 26:30
Walking the uncomfortable waters of the difficult
Caminar las aguas incómodas de lo difÃcilNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:41
Not becoming a mother
la maternidad cuando se nos pasa el trenNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 22:56
Clear boundaries for healthy relationships
Limites claros para relaciones saludablesNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 21:45
Self-kindness meditation
Meditacion metta a uno mismo y estados emocionalesNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 17:36
We are prisoners of our desires and rejections
Somos prisioneros de nuestros deseos y rechazosNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:24
Mothering others to become a mother
Maternarse para maternarNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 1:09:24
The dating app world
mi experiencia con las aplicaciones de citasNatalia Bullon
00:00 / 16:46
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